
[Extended] Make A Movies App in Android

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[Extended] Make A Movies App in Android

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What's in this book?

This book will help you make a real app that connects to a network. The app that you're going to make uses The Movie Database (TMDb)'s API to fetch and show movies and TV shows and it also has a watchlist feature that allows the user to save a movie or TV show to their watchlist.

Features of the app you're going to make:

- Everything from the free version (https://gum.co/ohdDOQ) and...


- Show a list of TV shows from TMDb API

- Show a list of TV shows categorized by Popular, Top Rated and On Air

- Show the details of a TV show

- Bookmarks or watchlist feature

- Filter watchlist by All, Movies, TV Shows

Plus 2 BONUS chapters:

- Refactor the app to use Dagger2

- Refactor the app to use MVVM architecture (ViewModel and LiveData)

Purpose of this book

Back when I was first starting out with Android development, I was going through tutorials after tutorials without producing something useful like a REAL app. But the moment I stopped doing tutorials and decided to make a real app, I was paralyzed and don't know what to do.

"Where should I start?", "How should I start?", were the questions that kept popping up in my head.

That's why this book is made for Android beginners who are facing a similar situation. This book will guide you to make a real app and help you get your foot out the door towards an Android development career.

Is this book for you?

If you're an Android beginner and decided that you're done with tutorials and it's time to make a real app, then this book is for you.

This book does not:

- Teach you the basics of Android development

- Explain every little detail for you

- Teach you the basics of Dagger

I want this!

PDF and ePUB version of the book & source code of the movies app that you're going to make

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